Boys Basketball Coach Dave Boyce recently celebrated his 500th career win.
Category: News
Are Higher Level Courses Worth it?
Advanced level courses require careful consideration before enrolling.
Choir Performance at The Huntington Center
Perrysburg choirs recently performed at The Huntington Center before a Toledo Walleye game. The crowd appreciated the choir as much as the choir appreciated the crowd.
The Lady Jackets Bowling team is back in business!
Perrysburg is able to bring back its girls Bowling team after a 3-year absence.
Sociology Speaks Some Sense!
Debates in Sociology lead to bold statements and student dialogue.
Gracefully Handmade – A Very Local Business You Don’t Want To Miss
High school senior Gracie Chamberlain has created her own business, and sales are growing.
Fall Concert Amazed Crowds Last Thursday
The high school band performed beautifully in their annual fall concert.
PODCAST: Somethin’ or Nothin’— Christmas Edition
Students discuss seasonal topics, like when is too early to celebrate the holidays? (The views and opinions expressed in this podcast do not necessarily reflect Perrysburg Schools, or its advisor.)
Perrysburg Rugby “Rucking” To State Championships (Yep, Plural)
Senior Kristy Herhold, captain of the girls A-side team, reflects back to winning the championship game against Amherst girls: “I wanted to cry. Seeing the team move together from the beginning only makes me more excited for 15s to start and see how far we go.”
Varsity Football Stays Strong Throughout Tough Season
The Yellow Jacket’s 4-6 record for the 2018 season does not necessarily reflect all the victories athletes experienced.