Time may be ticking for TikTok in the United States

Time may be ticking for TikTok in the United States

Ellie Blumberg and Alayna Caris
eSomethin staff

The United States government has turned its attention to the social media platform TikTok and is now deciding whether to ban TikTok or not. But what is going to happen to accounts and people’s daily lives? 

Some people use TikTok in their daily lives and open the app multiple times a day – people like Alyssa King, a freshman, who said, “I love TikTok, I use it almost every single day multiple times.” 

People have different viewpoints and opinions on the ban. Some people think it should be banned since TikTok supposedly steals information and can be addictive, but users like King say otherwise. 

“I don’t want it to get banned since I will have to start using other apps and it’d just be sad in general,” she said. 

People question if the government has the right to ban TikTok. The potential ban leaves many questions in American minds about what abilities the government has on banning apps. But at the same time even King said since the app is foreign then “they should have the right to ban it.” TikTok’s ban could result in changes for people’s lives. Not only would people not be able to post but some creators make a living off of being influencers since TikTok pays. While they could just use other apps such as YouTube or Instagram, the apps are different to use and don’t pay the same and meta pay works differently than Tiktok so you would have to reset any pay accounts you already have set up.

When it comes to the ban not everything is bad, leaving the app and not being able to use it again could cause good effects. Some good effects would be things like bringing down screen time, like Alyssa says if TikTok were to get banned, “My screen time would probably go from around five hours to two since I spend a lot of time on TikTok.” This shows that even though there are downsides to banning the app, there are also some benefits to it. 

So all in all, putting a ban on TikTok creates many changes to people’s lives in the U.S. It challenges people’s rights, screen times, being able to express themselves, and hunting for a different app to use instead. Following up January 19th, 2025 president Trump has placed a 75 day reprieve on the ban.

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