Ella Josias
eSomethin staff
Drunk driving affects all aspects of American life – even in our local area. In just this school year, teens from the local area have lost their lives as victims of drunk drivers.
For example, Brian Hoeflinger (18), of Ottawa Hills, died on August 5, 2024, after consuming alcohol as a minor and driving a car into a tree.
According to the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Administration), about one person every 39 minutes dies in a drunk-driving accident, which totals 37 people a day.
Even with an alarming statistic like that, teens and young adults don’t quite understand the dangers entirely. But Perrysburg High Schools’ resource officer, Greg Cole, has a new method to help students understand the dangers of drunk driving, and even experience them.
His main goal is to spread awareness. He wants to “…show people how hard it is to drive while impaired. Driving is an undivided attention skill; paying attention to the road, being aware of your car, [and] other cars. When you’re impaired, there’s a reason why it’s called impaired.”

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