Students lives at home affects their time at school – and counselors are here to help

Students lives at home affects their time at school – and counselors are here to help

Kennedy Sandwisch
eSomethin Staff

How does a student’s home life affect their experience in school? According to, “Students’ performance and conduct in school [are] affected by the emotional support, intellectual stimulation, guidance, and discipline they receive at home.”

Whatever a student feels and experiences in their time outside of school can have a direct impact on their time in school. All things from family members, financial situations, jobs, time to sleep, extra-curriculars, nutrition, or even to where they live, all have an impact on a student’s well-being. 

Trevor Madigan, a PHS junior, said, “School life has a lot to do with your home life because coming to school everyday you need to be clean, have good clothes to wear, and a good background and support to be able to get you to school and through school . . . You need a good support system to keep you afloat at school.”

Madigan highlights how important it is to have strong and healthy relationships in the place you reside, which some unfortunately don’t have. Sometimes students might not realize that each and everyone of their peers has a different life outside of who they are at school.

For some people, school is an escape from their home life – an escape from parents fighting, an unsafe house, an annoying sibling, or anything else that they want a break from. It is immensely important to acknowledge that even if you don’t know what’s going on in a student’s home life, it can still have serious drawbacks at school. 

Students and teachers alike can begin to notice changes in grades, focus, mood, and much more. 

Kevin Schaublin, a counselor at Perrysburg High School, said that “because of things that may be going on at home, students may not get adequate sleep or rest that they need which can obviously affect their time at school. It’s easy to see and easy to assume that when a student is falling asleep in class they might get in trouble, the teacher might get upset, or they might get sent to the principal’s office, but as counselors we like to dig deeper as to why you’re falling asleep in class, and what’s going on outside of school.”

The counselors and adults at PHS try their best to be there for students when they need support. Most students will likely not want to open up about an issue they are having, but the administrators here work hard to ensure that students feel safe and comfortable at our school. 

Even if you are struggling outside or inside of school it is important to know that there is always someone who will be willing to help. 

Sophomore, India Debruin recommends that students “talk to one of the counselors. We have great counselors at the high school and they are great listeners. You can also talk to a trusted teacher, or other adults, or even your friends. Talking helps.”  

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