Neela Azizi and Gabi Lemerand
eSomethin Staff
577 Foundation is a historic property dedicated to historical preservation and personal creativity, located at 577 East Front St. in Perrysburg, Ohio. It is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day.
There are so many areas located there such as the cottage in which a variety of classes like cooking take place. The foundation also features a machinery room, carriage room, and old cow barn that have activities like pottery, painting and more. A log cabin built in the 19th century with animal furs and other cool historic objects is open for exploration on the property.
The Geodesic Biodome has scavenger hunts, fish feeding, and more fun activities for younger kids to do. Around the dome is a community garden that allows people to try out their green thumb. They are provided with the necessary tools and advice to create their very own garden right on the property.
Visitors will see the Did’s Dig which is a fossil pile from over 350 million years ago that kids can dig in and find their treasure to take home. The Compost Corner is just by the fossil area that educates people (especially adults or people that take interest in gardening) how to provide their garden with the best nutrients.
This nature preservation also has a river walk that gives sight of the Maumee River to lead you to the Bird Blind and Bee Yard. The bird blind is an area to feed a variety of birds and squirrels and the bee yard is where the honey bee hives are located.
Teen visitors would perhaps take an interest in the maze with tall grasses and dead ends. Finally, at the end of the property is the Manabigama Wood Kiln for pottery students. 577 Foundation has so many activities including a great spots for pictures.
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