Anime club is small in membership but mighty in passion for anime.
Category: Arts and Entertainment
“Mamma Mia” Leaves Audiences Dancing in the Aisles
This show is DEFINITELY one you don’t want to miss.
Nickel World: Fun Games (When They Work) VIDEO
NickleWorld earns a 3.5 out of 5 stars in Charlie and Sam’s review. Click the headline to find out why.
Art Appreciation 2019
Ainsley SuttereSomethin Staff A brush strokes the canvas. Oxygen transforms to song in through the lungs of a singer. These moments deserve just as much
Fitbit Versa: A VERSAtile Smartwatch
Andrew Wendler recommends the Fitbit Versa, despite its somewhat short battery life.
Choir Performance at The Huntington Center
Perrysburg choirs recently performed at The Huntington Center before a Toledo Walleye game. The crowd appreciated the choir as much as the choir appreciated the crowd.
Opinion: Are Non-School Athletes Getting The Short End Of The Stick When It Comes To Scholarships?
Are the fine arts on a level playing field with athletics at the high school? Isabel Palmer examines how art classes provide opportunities for scholarships and exposure.
Don’t Be Afraid to Take Whisks: Easy Summer Cupcake Decorations
These easy summer cupcakes allow you to express your creativity while also creating something delicious.
Review: Avengers Infinity War
Reviewer Jacob Prokup loves Infinity War, the latest installment in the Avengers universe. Read his explanation of this 5-star movie.
Avengers: Infinity War Preview
Infinity War is the 3rd Avengers film and everyone is talking about it. As of April 25th, 2018, Rotten Tomatoes has scored Infinity War on average a 7.7/10 while on IMDb, it’s a 9.3/10, and it’s not even out yet!