Is Netflix a good or bad thing?

Is Netflix a good or bad thing?

[note note_color=”#f0f0eb”]PHS math teacher Aryn Hinkle asked her statistics class to study topics of interest and make their own statistical analyses. eSomethin published 10 of the students’ articles.[/note]

Survey explores association between grade level and hours students watch Netflix

By Christine Pavelko
Special to eSomethin

Fifth in 10 installments

Are you a typical high schooler addicted to Netflix?

The statistical survey that my partner and I conducted was to see if there is an association between grade level and hours of Netflix a student watches in one week. TopicOfInterest_250pxThis was conducted on November 16, 2015 at Perrysburg High School by giving a survey out to random students in study halls and selecting 10 students from each grade randomly.

So the total number of students used in the survey is 40.

After the results were collected it was revealed that there is no relationship between grade level and hours of Netflix a student watches in one week.

Netflix_hours_gradesThe scatter-plot graph illustrates the grade level of a student does not affect how much Netflix they watch.

The information from this survey could be used in the business world.

First, if Netflix gains insight that students who are juniors and seniors watch Netflix more than they will put more shows on that are interesting to the 16 through 18 year olds. Then if other students who might not have Netflix see the shows that have been uploaded, they will possibly start an account and ad revenue to Netflix.

The business side of Netflix can benefit from finding out what ages tend to subscribe to an account.

Overall, the grade level of a student does not affect how much Netflix they watch in a week but can be beneficial to the business and educational world.

Topic of Interest articles:

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