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Avengers: Infinity War Preview
Infinity War is the 3rd Avengers film and everyone is talking about it. As of April 25th, 2018, Rotten Tomatoes has scored Infinity War on average a 7.7/10 while on IMDb, it’s a 9.3/10, and it’s not even out yet!
What Did Upperclassman Do on Career Day?
Students who shadowed at a job might have shadowed parents, neighbors, or just a job that they are looking forward to doing.
Former First Lady, Barbara Bush, Laid to Rest
Former First Lady, Barbara Bush, passed away Tuesday, April 17th, 2018 at the age of 92. She was known as ‘everybody’s grandmother’.
PHS Gymnastics Journey to States
The Perrysburg gymnastics team competed at the state tournament earlier this month, earning 8th place overall.
Editorial Cartoon: “Hawaii Missile Incoming!”
The entire state of Hawaii was scared recently when a false alarm stated that a ballistic missile was inbound toward the island.
What PHS Did Over Thanksgiving Break
Jackets had various experiences over Thanksgiving break.
Opinion: Is There Really a Need For The Knee
Some NFL fans just want to watch our regular weekend football, not political football.
Cross Country Weekend Hero
“People have been asking me what I thought in that moment and I haven’t had an answer. It’s because I didn’t think. I simply did what was natural. I grabbed the other arm of the runner and together, the three of us made it to the finish line.”
The Band Bug Out
Many of you may or may not know that there was a bug infestation in the marching band storage cabinet. However, this is not the first time it has happened.