Some NFL fans just want to watch our regular weekend football, not political football.
Author: WebEditor
Opinion: Views Differ on What School Offers
Dayna Fuller eSomethin Staff A school day can fluctuate from boring to exciting. A teacher also has a very different view from a student. But have
Homecoming Proposals 2017
Homecoming proposals were extra cute in 2017.
Stay Up To Date on Trends: Anonymous TBH App
TBH is an anonymous survey app that is sectioned off by school, people select their state and then their school giving them the ability to communicate with their peers.
Editorial: Ambiguity in the Dress Code Has to Go
Opinion: “Student’s dress/appearance including length, style, skin exposure, etc. should be appropriate for a high school educational setting.” But what does “appropriate” really mean?
PASA Sober Tailgate
Every year they hold a “Sober Tailgate” at the high school’s homecoming football game.
Stephen King’s It: Movie Review
“It” is terrifying audiences and getting lots of attention at the box office.
Should We Pass on the New Hall Passes?
Mr. Matthew Horen, a History teacher, voiced, “I am totally fine with the pass system because it cuts down on the distraction time for me, I don’t have to hand write a bunch of stuff.”
Henry Magoun
Henry does an average of 20 push-ups in a single school day, which means in a month Henry has completed roughly 620 push-ups.
Frogtown Regatta Goes on Despite Algae
On September 21st, when the Lucas County Health Department issued a recreational public health advisory for the Maumee River, rowers were concerned. Though the water is still safe to drink, the department advises that, “If you have been in contact with water associated with the algal bloom, rinse your skin immediately.” Teams knew that the Frogtown Regatta was at risk.