Ainsley Sutter
eSomethin Staff
President Donald Trump came to the Huntington Center in Toledo on Thursday, January 9, 2020, to hold his first rally of the 2020 Presidential campaigning season. The arena can hold 8,000 people, yet many fans were unable to enter the actual rally. The exact number of people in attendance is unknown.
The line for entry to the Huntington Center wrapped around several blocks of downtown Toledo streets. While weaving through several buildings, the line made it all the way to the Seagate Center – across from Balance Pan-Asian Grille.
There was an unlimited amount of free tickets available for reservation, but entry was on a first-come-first-serve basis. The Blade and WTOL reported that the lines began around 4:00 PM on Wednesday, January 8. Area high school students were among the crowd who sat outside for over 24 hours for a chance to see the president in person.
Despite many being unable to enter, the outdoor viewing area was full of support for President Trump. “Keep America Great” signs flooded the arena, viewing area, and streets. Vendors who were scattered throughout the line of entry selling “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) and “Keep America Great” (KAG) sold a variety of Trump’s merchandise, fueling the support of the President through wearable items.
Although there was a great amount of support for the President, there were many protesters, protesting the Trump’s campaign promises and motives. The protesters had a marked off parking lot across from the Huntington Center, but some were scattered throughout the line, and downtown streets. The protests included an inflatable pig, with anti-Trump campaign signs attached. The Republicans countered with a large Trump sign on a truck going through the streets, and a firetruck covered in Trump signs.
Despite the cold temperatures, long lines, lack of restrooms and food. The crowd there to support President Trump was definitely energized and happy to be there.
President Trump certainly has a large base of support for his re-election in our area.
Ainsley Sutter – eSomethin Rep. – was unable to enter the rally because it reached capacity.
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