Perrysburg Rugby Captain Cole Hoffman has led the team this year to a successful 10-1 season.
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Category: Connor Phlegar
Did The New Bell Take An L?
The updated bell tones at PHS for security, not convenience.
Video: PHS Track Season Starts March 6
Perrysburg High School’s 2017 track practices are on the school track after school. Information and sign ups are available from coach, Mr. Jim Hentges, in room 211.
President Trump to Attorney General: You’re Fired
President Donald Trump has fired the Attorney General Sally Yates for not defending Trump’s executive order to ban people from 7 countries where the majority of people are Muslim.
The Young Club: Young Democrats
Young Democrats’ club goals are to volunteer in the community, lobby city council, and getting a public artwork to display.
Monsters in the Making
“We have to get our players bigger and stronger, and the other factor this year was injuries. We had 2 ACL tears, 2 broken legs, torn muscles, 5 concussions, and that just added up on us,” says Kregel in a recent eSomethin interview.
The Decision that Split American Football Fans
Connor Phlegar consults video evidence and experts to confirm a controversial call at Saturday’s game.
The Future of the Jacket Way
PHS’s second Jacket Way drawing was Veteran’s Day, November 11th, during all lunch periods.
Boys and Girls Cross Country Look to Run Away with State Final’s Trophy
Monheim discussed how he felt going to states since the last time that they went was 1972. He responded by saying, “It’s an awesome feeling, you know, it’s been awhile since we’ve made it, but everybody is really excited and we’re really prepared to run a great race.”
VIDEO: Boys Soccer 2016
Varsity soccer player Connor Phlegar teamed up with sophomore Evan Thomas to let you know that Perrysburg’s fútbol team, led by head coach Brandon Decker, is worth watching. This video shows what it looks like to be in the game.