Weight training has begun in preparation of next year’s football season

Weight training has begun in preparation of next year’s football season

On Monday January 6, weight training started in preparation of the 2025-2026 football season. The lifting sessions are four days a week. Prior to winter break, the lifts were two days a week.

During the course of the training season, lifts happen three days a week. What does lifting help for football players? 

The weight training helps to build strength that in turn helps to produce results on the football field.

“Strength training can help… improve their muscle strength, endurance, bone density, balance, lipid profiles, fat-free mass, and self esteem,” says the website Kinetic Sports Performance.

Sophomore Nolan Graham does squats. Graham is getting ready for his heaviest by completing a set at 245 pounds. (Photo credit: Jude Chamberlain)

Muscle strength and endurance are essential for playing the sport of football. Both of these qualities help when running around the field for long periods of time and performing activities that require muscular strength.

Collisions regularly happen in football but building a higher bone density through weight training helps to prevent the injuries caused by these collisions.

Brian Cunningham said, “I think that squats and bench press help the most but also the mobility exercises help a lot.” 

One other important part of weight training is nutrition and hydration. A well balanced diet includes proper amounts of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Another important part is the vitamins and minerals. While a diet isn’t officially a part of the Yellow Jackets weight lifting program, many of the players still eat healthy to get the right amounts.

The Yellow Jackets try everything to prevent injuries in the weight room that would limit players on the field. During the morning workouts on Friday, January 10 there were about 45 people lifting. During an afternoon lift on Tuesday, January 14 there were about 20 people.

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