Matthew Rutherford
eSomthin Staff
On February 17, 2021, Perrysburg’s Board of Education met to discuss a variety of different topics, including finalizing a date for each school in Perrysburg’s district to return for either 4 or 5 days.
Hosler previously proposed that the elementary schools would return to 5 days a week starting March 1. The high school posed additional challenges.
“So we’ve seen this continued drop in the high school (in both quarantines and positive cases for COVID-19), that’s out largest building, 1600 students, serving lunch, hallways, restrooms, all those areas are things that we’ve been planning and talking about what to do when we get the students back” Hosler said.
Hosler suggested to move the date for PHS to return 4 days a week back to March 16th, one week before spring break, and the first week of fourth quarter.
Hosler said, “The high school—we’re looking to the recommendation we’re looking to bring the high school back on March 16. That aligns with the fourth quarter. So we want to move forward with 4 days a week. This is something the high school has not done. So this is, of all the changes that we have had, this is the biggest change we’ve had. We’ve seen the spread drop from November and December and it makes sense for us to take that next step.”
Later on into the discussion, when asked why specifically March 16th, Hosler said, “Fourth quarter was one piece. The other is just what you heard described with all the buildings is that lead time and getting things prepared to do that [transition to 4 days].”
After further discussion, the board voted unanimously for PHS to return 4 days a week starting March 16.
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