Local residents find creative ways to stay in shape during Ohio’s stay-at-home order

Local residents find creative ways to stay in shape during Ohio’s stay-at-home order

Grace Reiter, Lydia Reiter
eSomethin Guest Writers

With Governor Mike Dewine’s recent stay-at-home order, many Ohioans are feeling cramped inside and searching for something that can occupy our time.  It is essential that we follow this order while also remaining healthy and physically active. However, exercise is a difficult task for teens as sports practices have been cancelled and gyms are closed, leaving people lacking fitness options. 

Fitness trainer Jennie Axe has a solution for the Perrysburg community—the Second Street workout challenge.  

Axe and her fitness company, Jenny Axe Fitness, worked with Howard Hanna Realtors to create a fun way to promote fitness throughout the community while also maintaining safety protocols.  Multiple yard signs line both sides of Second Street in downtown Perrysburg with different exercise instructions on each, such as a 30-second tree sit, leg raises, or pushups. The idea is that walkers/joggers start at one of Second Street and complete the exercises that are along the way on both sides of the street, about a 2.5 mile round trip.

Half the battle is getting motivated to exercise, but the other half is coming up with a proper exercise plan that works the correct muscles.  Axe, a professional fitness trainer, developed a full-body workout that is suitable for most people. The workout includes simple exercises like marching in place to more challenging exercises like burpees and push-ups. Participants can scale the workout however they like or add to the workout by running in between each station. 

It’s important to keep yourself occupied and to put forth your best effort at maintaining normality during this uncertain and stressful time.  By getting outside and exercising, you can improve both your physical and mental health while also adhering to the safety protocols established by the government. 

According to the Mayo Clinic, “Physical activity helps bump up the production of your brain’s feel-good neurotransmitters, called endorphins.” These endorphins, which are hormones released during physical activity, naturally boost your morale, reduce your perception of pain, and trigger a positive feeling in your body and mind.  With the weather improving, now is a great time to get outside and take advantage of the Second Street Sweat!

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