The Lady Jackets Bowling team is back in business!

The Lady Jackets Bowling team is back in business!

Drake Harlett
Zach Isaacson
eSomethin Staff:

After a 3 year hiatus, the PHS bowling program has a girls team ready to knock down those pins once again. This is great news for the athletic program and school because we are able to show off that Perrysburg has both a boys and girls bowling team.  

Bowling is a sport that involves having fun while competing to be the best team in the competition. Perrysburg’s new head bowling coach, Aaron Wozniak, stated, “We want to be competitive with the other schools, but we also want to be inclusive.”

Introducing new players is no easy feat. Coach Wozniak says, “We advance from [basic fundamentals] as far as equipment choices, learning how to read lane conditions, spare shooting, your normal bowling stuff.” This is a key factor of building up a girls bowling team that does not have too much experience outside of the bowling team. 

One of the girls on the bowling team
Freshman, Chelsea Brewster from the girls bowling team. (Photo credit: Drake Harlett)

Freshman bowler Chelsea Brewster stated, “Being supportive to me is when you can be upbeat with teammates, and when you can just be yourself.” This is the type of spirit that the bowling program hoped to see. When the potential of being a leading championship team is at stake, being supportive of teammates is an important key to success.

“With the girls in varsity, we can bring them to tournaments, we can bring them to matches, and it gives us an additional team for us to cheer for, root for, have school pride for” said Coach Wozniak.

Freshman Sydney Burns was delighted when she was accepted onto the team: “That felt pretty good, like, it boosted my confidence.” Making a team is a huge confidence booster to someone because it makes them feel like they are part something. It just brings about an overall happier feeling.

Coach Wozniak did not expect so many girls to try out: “These girls are freshman and sophomores, which is good because it gives us an opportunity to work with them how we want to see them go.”

The returning players for the boys bowling team were quite surprised by the number of girls that tried out for the team as well. In the past 3 years of tryouts, only 1 girl showed up for tryouts, and having 6 girls try out this year and make the team is astonishing!

The Perrysburg Athletic Program hopes for the best out of the girls bowling team and hopes for a successful year!

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