Drake Harlett
eSomethin Staff:
Perrysburg bowling season starts soon and tryouts for the high school team are, November 2nd, 5th, and 6th.
The team will have most of its starters back from last year, and those returning are ready for the bowling season because this year could be a special one. The team’s long-time coach has retired and this year the group welcomes a new coach, Aaron Wozniak.
Wozniak is an External Auditor in the Ohio Department of Commerce. He bowled for many years and has bowled as many as 300 games during his life so far.

Wozniak became a coach for Perrysburg because of his drive and passion for bowling. He wants to teach kids how to bowl and maybe help them to think of bowling in their futures.
The bowling team held a meeting last Thursday to go over how tryouts will work and how the team will be set up this season.
An important takeaway from the meeting is that five girls are interested in bowing this year, too. This is important because for the past two years Perrysburg did not have a girls bowling team. Five is the exact number of participants needed to make an official team.
It would also be beneficial for more girls could come and try out for the team so that we can have subs for the team.
Athletic director, Chuck Jaco, and principal, Dr. Michael Short, really want a girls team to form because it can show Perrysburg off and offer good opportunities to experience what it feels like to be on a team.
This team wants students to tell their friends to come out and try out for the bowling team. It’s a great experience to learn something new about the game of bowling. It also gives you the experience of being part of a great team experience. The bowling program would love to be able to have a girls team this season.
If you want to try out for the team here’s the address of Interstate Lanes:
819 Lime City Rd, Rossford, OH 43460
Tryouts begin at 4pm.
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