Movie Night Fright: A Review of “The Nun”

Movie Night Fright: A Review of “The Nun”

Caitlin Taylor
eSomethin Staff

Caitlin Taylor

Calling all horror movie fans… Trying to think of something to match the fun of Friday night football games and don’t know what to do? Well, The Conjuring franchise added its newest addition, The Nun, Thursday, September 6th, 2018.

The Nun is a continuance of the revelation of how the story all started: a prequel. The film’s story begins in Romania when a nun is found to have committed suicide. A priest, played by Demián Bichir, is sent by the Catholic Church to investigate, with a postulant, young nun with a special gift, who is played by American Horror Story star Taissa Farmiga. Upon their arrival, they find a darkness they hadn’t expected. Together they must weave their way through multiple dreamscapes and lock away an ancient, powerful evil.

The Nun is a rated-R paranormal horror movie. It received a 27% on Rotten Tomatoes and Roger Ebert Reviews says it “grows repetitive and almost predictable over the course of the entire film.”

I can see the reviewer’s point when he calls the movie repetitive, but I don’t agree the film is predictable. The way I see it, it’s only repetitive because that’s how all horror movies are; they all run through a series of jump scares and “don’t go in there’s”. The reason I say this movie isn’t predictable is that the plot is always developing. Most horror movies forget about the plot because they are so focused on trying to be scary. The Nun does a good job at maintaining the balance between plot and fear. Each spine-chilling scene has a purpose in explaining the story.

Although critics’ ratings may not be high, I’d still suggest people give it a try. The Nun is great for thrill-seeking paranormal/possession movie fans. Even if this isn’t your favorite genre, it will still provide a night of fun and freight. Halloween is in the air; go see The Nun in order to get into the spooky spirit.

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