Stop the Violence: Self-Defense Class for Upperclassmen

Stop the Violence: Self-Defense Class for Upperclassmen

By Chelsea Fisher
eSomethin Editor In Chief


Three students sitting on a desk
Courtney Kennedy, Whitney Thames, Kara Keil

Mrs. Teresa Nissan assigned her teaching professions students to create a community service project based off of bracelets that say “Their voices aren’t enough, we need yours!”


Three of her students, Courtney Kennedy, Whitney Thames, and Kara Keil, organized a self-defense class. Kennedy and Keli are seniors at Anthony Wayne and Thames is a senior here at Perrysburg. “We thought a self-defense class would be useful to everyone,” said Courtney Kennedy.

“No one takes stuff seriously until something serious happens,” said social studies teacher Mr. Chris Stein.

Allen’s American Martial Arts is sponsoring a free self-defense clinic for all juniors and seniors from Anthony Wayne, Springfield, and Perrysburg on February 20th from 6-7 pm and 7-8 pm in the gym at the Commodore Building. Each session can hold 60 people and is free of cost. The clinic is focused on teaching students heading to college basic self-defense. The fliers also have a lot of statistics regarding human trafficking in Ohio.

There is a second, separate self-defense class in March for $10 and for all grades, all proceeds will benefit the Reagan Delany Tokes Memorial Fund.  More information on that will follow.

“Honestly it can save your life,” concluded Kara Keil.

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