The Walls Have Seen It All

The Walls Have Seen It All

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By Zach Isaacson
eSomethin Staff

Bullying is often talked about and is considered a trite topic for high schoolers.

The topic may be less rampant in Perrysburg than other schools, but it is still a problem. If walls could talk, recitals of past bullying incidents would flood the hallways.

The video is an anti-bullying PSA that I made for a class. The project took 7 days to create and I stayed up until 12 o’clock nearly every night working on it. My initial idea was to have 3D text composited in with the school setting, as if the walls were talking. It was a very excruciating and tedious process trying to elaborate on the numerous effects of bullying, but it turned out great and I wanted to share it with the rest of you.

Song used: Tristam – Devotion [Monstercat Release]

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