Tuba Cam a hit with Perrysburg Marching Band

Senior band member Drew Binkley demonstrates the Band Cam, a Web camera used to film the half-time shows of the Perrysburg marching band.         JOSHUA M.VALERA photo


Have you ever wondered what it would be like to perform an adrenaline pumping half-time show?

Well Alex Hertzfeld, 17, a junior at Perrysburg High School has made it possible.

He used his new GoPro HD Web camera to film the half-time shows of the Jackets marching band at Friday night football games from the view atop his sousaphone — and the Tuba Cam was born. But little did Alex know his Tuba Cam would become more than just a clever idea.

His fellow marching band members took to the idea after they saw his first video at an after-game party at Alex’s home. As he played the video they watched in awe and excitement as their hard work unfolded before their eyes.


“I think it’s pretty cool,” said Alejandro Balibrea, 14, a freshman band member.

After the success and positive feed back from other marching band members the Tuba Cam was then placed on a different instrument each week.

“I think it’s cool that the camera gets switched around to different instruments” said Eryn Doyle, 17, a junior in the marching band.

The GoPro Cam has now been placed on Alex’s sousaphone, a clarinet, and a snare drum.

“I’m surprised how far it has gone,” Alex said. “I originally did it for myself.”

Despite his original motive for his GoPro camera, it has now become the main point of Alex’s after-game parties.

Matt Kuhr, 17, a junior marching band member, said the Web cam shows students not in marching band and the public how much effort goes into producing quality half-time shows a Perrysburg High School.

“Publicizing the Band Cam will give much more recognition to the marching band, and people will realize how hard we work,” said Matt.

Many marching band members feel as though they are inferior to the football team in the public’s eye, and the Band Cam may be the answer they have been waiting for.

Contact Joshua M. Valera at joshua.valera@gmail.com


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