On the third day of Spirit Week, students dressed in their favorite jammies. Check out the slidershow.
Category: News
Tricks, treats and test scores
For seniors, zombies aren’t the scariest things about Halloween. It’s the pesky college application process.
Meet teacher-coach Brandon Decker
Mr. Decker is a new science teacher. He also is head varsity coach of the boys soccer team. See VIDEO.
Perrysburg grad returns as science teacher
Charles Brigode is a 2010 Perryburg High School graduate. He teaches physical science and chemistry. Check out VIDEO.
Meet Tom Ziems
Mr. Ziems teaches integrated computer technology. He uses technology to help students learn. Check out the VIDEO.
Student teacher returns as PHS band teacher
One of Corey Whitt’s fondest memories was marching in the Rose Bowl parade in high school. Check out VIDEO.
Random alcohol tests at football games stir opinions
While some students are against the breath tests, Dr. Short says it’s “another tool to say no.”
Bus drivers show skills at Road-e-o
Cellar class students produce a VIDEO of this year’s NW Ohio school bus driver safety Road-e-o.
Please help the typhoon victims
The Student Council is collecting money for the victims of the Philippines typhoon that killed thousands. (WATCH VIDEO).
Get your Information on Freshman Laptops!
Learn more about Perrysburg Schools integration to Laptop devices! Click here to see detailed information on our Perrysburg Schools 1:1 integration with laptops. Perrysburg Schools