Ainsley Sutter: As a student-athlete, I love athletic apparel and accessories, Nike being my favorite. But after learning that Kaepernick is the face of the 30th anniversary of the “Just Do It” campaign, I’m sad to say that I will cease to be purchasing Nike products.
Category: Features
President Trump to Attorney General: You’re Fired
President Donald Trump has fired the Attorney General Sally Yates for not defending Trump’s executive order to ban people from 7 countries where the majority of people are Muslim.
The Young Club: Young Democrats
Young Democrats’ club goals are to volunteer in the community, lobby city council, and getting a public artwork to display.
Staff Member at PHS Retires
Staff member Ann Sinclair, after 27 years, is retiring. As sad as it is to say goodbye to a loved staff member, Sinclair shared her favorite memories at PHS.
Perrysburg v. Maumee 2016
A long tradition of rivalry will be renewed this Friday at Steinecker Stadium as the Perrysburg Yellow Jackets (5-4) face off against the Maumee Panthers (4-5) in this epic season finale.
Freshman Caleb Gerken Joins Varsity Game from the Stands
Freshman Caleb Gerken reflects back on the experience, saying, “It was kinda surreal, I didn’t feel it at first, it was almost like it was a dream.”
VIDEO: Boys Soccer 2016
Varsity soccer player Connor Phlegar teamed up with sophomore Evan Thomas to let you know that Perrysburg’s fútbol team, led by head coach Brandon Decker, is worth watching. This video shows what it looks like to be in the game.
Investigative Report: Rising School Lunch Costs
“Though some people think that $3.00 for a school lunch is expensive, think what the price of a lunch covers for the school lunch program. The school lunch program gets no money from our school fees or from our school district taxes.”
Class of 2016 Senior Superlatives
Without further ado, here are the winners from the Class of 2016.
Homecoming football 2015 in pictures
A slideshow of activities from the Jackets’ homecoming victory over NLL foe Anthony Wayne. Perrysburg beat the Generals 42-27.