Perrysburg High School had their second Blood Drive of the year. There were over 80 people who wanted to help.
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COMMENTARY: “Thanks for your contribution”
Bailee Brown eSomethin Staff Other editorial cartoons on eSomethin: [posts template=”templates/list-loop.php” posts_per_page=”6″ tax_term=”604″ tax_operator=”0″ order=”desc” orderby=”modified”]
College Application Process
“We tell all seniors to have everything submitted to the colleges by Halloween. That’s the goal,” says Ms. Czech. The earliest college application deadlines are November 1st.
Signing Day 2016
Five PHS athletes — Chaz Westfall, Mario Guillen, Josie Fowler, Erika Joldrichsen and Bri Boyd — sign letters of intent on Feb. 3 to play sports in college.
COMMENTARY: An Average Day
Bailee Brown’s wistful reflections on life. Check out her editorial cartoon.