Girls Cross Country never slows down

Girls Cross Country never slows down

Ellie Blumberg and Alayna Caris
eSomethin Staff

A rush of wind passes by as the girls run to cross the finish line.

“We passed the finish line at about 26 minutes,” says Mudra Deshmukh, an active cross country runner. The average finishing for a high school runner is around 24 minutes, giving her and her friends an almost perfect race time.

There are many key factors that affect the time runners take their steps across the finish line – it’s not just the running and how fast and long you can run for. For example, current runner Alayna Vile said, “The earliest we’ve had to wake up is around four o’clock,” meaning the discipline to wake up early is a key factor to crossing the finish line, even when the runners are tired and worn out.

Another key factor is the terrain these girls have to run in,“ Jacqueline Jiminez said. “The terrain is very hilly, but on occasion we get a good course which is flat and nice.”

Ohio isn’t typically hilly, so running on hilly terrains it is more challenging for Perrysburg’s team. The grit and determination of these girls is very high.

Weather is another problem while running.

Alayna Vile said cross country almost never gets canceled for the weather. The coaches are tough and want to fit in as many practices as possible so the girls can be prepared. As well as challenging them to run in the rain or heat!

“The furthest we’ve traveled is about two hours to Olentangy Berlin High School. I personally like traveling, especially with my friends. I like it because I can discuss what to prepare for with them and feel more better and positive about the race and not worry so much since we’re all on the same page,” Vile said. 

Before meets, the factor of eating can be something to look out for. In some cases, eating can slow you down or it can give you more energy to complete tasks perfectly.

Vile said, “I eat at least two hours before heading out. Preferably I eat eggs or something full of fiber. In some cases I only eat a quick granola bar.”

The girls Perrysburg High School Cross Country team puts a ton of effort into the sport they love doing! It can be challenging and extremely hard at times but they push through and support each other throughout it, proving our Perrysburg girls cross country team never slows down.

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