Ashleigh Botens
eSomethin Staff
Spirit week for Homecoming happened on September 23, 2023. The week for homecoming had so many events before the big day including a big prep assembly, Friday night football game, and of course the day of Homecoming! Spirit weeks are a big thing at PHS, as we like to have fun and get ready for the big homecoming dance!
Before getting into spirit week, I interviewed a student here at PHS, who is in the Pride Club, which is where they decided the themes for the spirit week. But, how do they come together to make the themes?
“The executive board comes all together in a group, comes up with ideas they want to share and make a list and then limits it down, since we can’t use everyone’s ideas” Hudsyn Schlatter, a member of Pride Club, said.
The first day of the homecoming spirit week started off strong with dressing as a tourist, but with a catch: depending on the grade levels, each grade would dress to go to different locations. Starting off, the freshman dressed to go to the big city of New York City; sophomore dressed up going to Nashville TN; juniors dressed to go to cold Alaska, and finally the seniors dressed for the nice warm area of Siesta Key, FL!

As Tuesday came it was “anything but a backpack” day, which means to bring literally anything but a backpack! This is a new and popular theme for spirit weeks now. There were a lot of different things that were brought in with some basic things like blankets, coolers, tote bags, baskets. Then there were also some weird or unusual items brought in for example some people brought in a kiddie pool, Frisbee golf basket, sled and even a car door! Although this day had to be a very thought out plan for Pride club.
“We have to think about of course the school restrictions, especially for bring anything but a backpack day, and following the guidelines…making sure no one is doing anything inappropriate too” Schlatter stated.

Half way through the week came, as the theme was dressing up as either one of Adam Sandler’s popular characters or his casual wear. Most students/teachers decided to wear his casual wear with the baggy shirts, pants, sunglasses and hats. If students or teachers dressed as one of his characters the most popular one was “Happy Gilmore’’ with some people bringing golf clubs in while wearing flannels and jeans, while some of the other students/teachers dressed up with his other known characters.
Thursday the teachers dressed up as students and the students dressed up as teachers! Popular outfits for this one was to wear cardigans, black pants or jeans with a lanyard. But also some dressing more formal with button up shirts, ties, dressing pants and with nice shoes. On the other hand, the teachers found it was easy to dress up as their students. Most of the teachers were wearing sweatshirts, hoodies, sweatpants or shorts, and airpods or with a Stanley cup.
Friday’s theme was to show the Jacket pride! Again, depending on the grade level each grade would wear a different color: the freshman in all white, sophomores in grey, juniors in yellow and finally the seniors in all black. At the end of the day there was a big prep assembly with the masked teachers. Some of the teachers got picked to sing a song to let the students guess the teachers.
Friday night Perrysburg defeated Sylvania in the football match-up!
Spirit week was a fun week for PHS with a good spirit week, football game and of course, homecoming!
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