Shane Fite
eSomethin Staff
A key downside of social distancing is the boredom that comes along with it. Being bored can cause people to make impulsive decisions like going out when it’s safer to stay home.
Here are some of the things you can do if you’ve run out of ideas to avoid cabin fever:
Getting in touch with your younger childhood can be fun. Reconnecting with old memories like watching movies you haven’t watched in years or printing out coloring pages like on can satisfyingly scratch a nostalgic itch.
Or, try some basic exercises you can do at home like yoga, pushups, body weight exercises or jumping rope. You can also try to learn about some sports that you can do solo, like gymnastics or martial arts.
If you want to get creative, you can try some art projects. This might include painting your pants pockets, (remember to heat set them so the paint stays) or decorating and personalizing a water bottle with paint or glue and photographs.
If you are really, really bored, you can try building an optical illusion by attaching an image to the wall and trying to hang objects so they match up with the image when you look at it from a certain angle.
For students who are missing school, try to learn something new. Dive into a topic and try to learn everything about it, or learn a skill you’ll need later on in life like how to do your taxes.
Instead of going out and taking the risk of spreading a virus, stay home and try to have fun that way. If you’re still bored, you can try online challenges like the ones from OK Go Sandbox. It’s never easy being stuck at home, but if you get creative, you can find a way to have fun.
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