Lucas Fiscus, Cameron Haeft
eSomethin Staff
Throughout the course of this coronavirus pandemic, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine has been holding daily press conferences updating Ohioans on a variety of topics related to the pandemic.
Governor DeWine updated Ohioans on the state of testing for the virus Friday, April 4: “We need more testing and we need results quicker.”
There simply are not enough testing materials for a pandemic of this size. 25% of people with the virus are hospitalized, and many of them will need to be transferred to the ICU. Governor DeWine said Ohio State University and the Health Department are working to create more swabs and dealing with the shortages of chemicals and machines. Social distancing rules should still be followed.
Lt. Governor Jon Husted reminded everyone that “The coronavirus is not just a health virus it is an economic virus on us all.” The Ohio government has been working with small business owners using virtual town hall meetings. It’s important to think of others whose economic well-being is harmed by the virus.
The governor emphasized that staying socially connected will maintain a sense of community even through these hard times. Kids and teens writing letters to veterans were mentioned as a positive way to spend the time at home while also teaching younger children about history.
Finally, Governor DeWine addressed a group of people in danger who may be overlooked: prisoners. The prison population in Ohio is almost 49,000 inmates, all of whom are at risk of exposure to COVID-19. Right now, prison contractors and employees are being screened for the virus. In addition, steps are being taken to protect the prisoners. Visits are now completely virtual and movements through the prison are being changed on a regular basis. In addition, the government is considering the release of some non-violent prisoners. Women who are pregnant or who have given birth in prison are looked at for being released, as well as those whose sentences are almost finished.
Governor DeWine stated that Ohio is looking at other states and seeing their failures and successes. He also thanked teachers and other workers for the work they have put in despite the current situation.
You can learn more from Governor DeWine’s daily conferences, as well as visiting
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