Riley Pierce
Desk Editor
Snow days, though they can seem few and far between, are one of the best parts of winter. A whole day off of school with not much that you have to do. This leaves many choices for how you will spend your time on your day off. Do you do something school-related and try to get ahead on work, or do you take the day to de-stress and just have fun? The options for how to spend your time can seem endless.
If you need some help figuring out what to do on the next snow day here are some ideas on how to spend the day:
If you are looking for something school-related to do some great options could be:
- Catching up on homework
- Working ahead on assignments
- Studying for an upcoming test or quiz
However, on your day off of school, the last thing you probably want to do is school work. So, whether you are looking to go out and brave the cold or stay inside and enjoy the warmth, here are some not so school related options for snow day activities:
- Sleeping in
- Going Sledding
- Building a snowman
- Spending time with friends
- Going to a movie
- Binging some Netflix
- Reading a book
- Drinking loads of hot chocolate
- Playing video games
- Try to teach yourself a skill (cooking, knitting or other crafts are some good options)
Whatever you decide to do on your day off, remember to stay safe. School was canceled for a reason. If you will be driving, Shane Fite offers some driving tips for snowy weather here.
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