Nikki Haley Resigns

Nikki Haley Resigns

Noah Bunting
eSomethin Staff

In modern day politics, few things shock voters. Many were shocked, however,  on Tuesday, October 9th, as UN Ambassador Nikki Haley announced she would be resigning her post at the end of the year.

Nikki Haley's official portrait
Haley’s official State Department portrait. Photo Credit: U.S. State Department

Haley was appointed to the position of U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations on November 23rd, 2016. Prior to her appointment, she served as South Carolina’s Governor from 2011 until 2017.

Some have speculated that she resigned to forge her own path to the White House in 2020, but she squashed said rumors in her announcement with President Trump by saying she didn’t plan to run and would support President Trump’s reelection.

“I will say this for all of you that are going to ask about 2020 — no, I am not running for 2020,” she told reporters.

“I can promise you what I will be doing is campaigning for this one. So I look forward to supporting the president in the next election.”

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