Defunded: Goodbye, Perrysburg Alternatives to Substance Abuse

Defunded: Goodbye, Perrysburg Alternatives to Substance Abuse

Chelsea Fisher
eSomethin Editor in Chief

Chelsea Fisher

The acronym PASA stands for Perrysburg Alternatives to Substance Abuse, and for years has been a group that offered high school and junior high students a safe, clean, environment to have fun.

PASA was a nonprofit through Prevention Partners dedicated to helping end the opioid crisis in Ohio through influencing students and the community about the dangers of drug abuse.  

Every student meeting consisted of games, food, and an educational presentation from the executive board regarding topics ranging from sexting to DUI’s to suicide awareness — all information important to teenagers. 

PASA was also in charge of the annual tailgate at the homecoming football game.  Other team-building activities included charity, trips to Cedar Point, Camp Michindoh, and days at the zoo.

PASA advisor Kayla Maroney explains PASA’s funding was dropped the state of Ohio’s required nonprofit grant request proces, and that the beneficiaries wanted to expand funding to new prevention programs. PASA was encouraged to find other sources of funding after losing state funding.

PASA was much more for those involved than purely fighting substance abuse.  PASA was dedicated to giving people a safe group to get away from any outside stressors in their lives. PASA’s end is a loss that will be felt throughout the teen community.

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