Kennedy Rowley
eSomethin Staff

Ready, Set, Row… actually, “erging” should come first. Erging is a way for people, especially crew members to practice rowing indoors on ergometers.
This Saturday, September 8th, the PHS rowing team will host a fundraiser at Walt Churchill’s market from 10am to 5pm. The rowing team will be “erging” for pledges and will teach others how to erg for the cost of $5. The team typically practice around 10 hours a week, and will be giving up their Saturday for the Erg-a-thon.
The rowers are excited to show others in the community their passion: “It’s a great experience for people to get to learn to erg, which will help prepare them for rowing!” rower Ethan Gruden said.
Emma Michael, a freshman and a PHS rower, told eSomethin, “You can open up a whole new door to a new sport, and learn the basics of rowing through erging.”
Miller Zachel, a sophomore, PHS varsity rower, won the Midwest Championship erg sprint at the Ohio State University last spring. Since he’s so experienced, he knows quite a bit about rowing and was willing to tell us more about it. Zachel stated, “Erging… Man, machine, meters. It’s pure power. Pure focus. Just 100% on the machine, but not only are you on a machine, your body acts as a machine. You are the machine. Nothing but power and focus.”
Here is what readers need to know about the Erg-a-thon. Rowing Coach Savannah Bales said, “Two important reasons that this is happening is because, one, we are funding to get new equipment, which is a need, especially as we start to grow more as a team. Secondly, the hope is that this springs awareness to our sport of rowing, which is possibly, one of the fastest growing sports in the midwest right now.”
Don’t forget to stop by Walt Churchills Market, on Dixie Highway, on Saturday to learn how to erg while supporting the PHS rowing team!
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