Perrysburg High School and NHS Sponsors Blood Drive

Perrysburg High School and NHS Sponsors Blood Drive

Montana Morgan
eSomethin’ Staff 

Have you ever donated blood?

Every two seconds, someone in the United States is in need of a blood donation; just one donation can potentially save 3 lives.

(Left to right) Juniors Ian Riddle and Ben Boros showing off their arms!

The National Honor Society of PHS sponsored a blood drive through the American Red Cross on Wednesday, April 25 here at the high school.

Pretty much any teacher, staff, or student from grades 9-12 could give blood. Many teachers along with students did!

When you donate blood, they say to be sure to eat breakfast and drink plenty of water beforehand. A human adult has about 10 pints of blood in their body, so about 1 pint is drawn during donation.

For many students, this was their first time ever giving blood.

Sophomore Lily Harlow was very nervous. Harlow says her mom has been donating blood ever since she was 17 and Lily has “always thought ‘oh that’s so cool to help somebody out’ so I want to be like her.”

There are students like Lily who want to donate for the sole purpose of doing something that could positively impact someone’s life, and then there are students like Maura Barley.

Zach Bernhoft’s arm after

Barley, who is a junior at Perrysburg High, has always been terrified of needles.

When asked why she then decided to donate she responded with “part of it was just so I could skip class.” Regardless of her reasoning, she saved three lives today!

Last fall, we donated 61 pints of blood and unfortunately, we only donated 51 this spring.

But, we don’t have to let that get us down! We should make our goal for next year to be double!

If you are ever thinking of donating, just go for it! You may be scared or nervous of the blood or the needles, but in the end, it is all for a great cause and you can then say that you gave blood!

For more information on where you can give blood or to learn more about blood needs and ways you can help, visit or

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