What Did Upperclassman Do on Career Day?

What Did Upperclassman Do on Career Day?

Allyson Parks
eSomethin staff

On April 13th, 2018, Perrysburg High School held Career Day, where all students were given the school time to explore future careers in different ways. The freshman went to Penta Career Center, while sophomores attended five sessions at the high school, each with a guest speaker representing a line of work.

Upperclassmen had requirements outside the school building. They had to do a college visit, a job shadow or volunteer. PHS provided upperclassman with busses to the University of Toledo and Bowling Green State University.

Erin Furlong, a Junior at PHS. Photo by Allyson Parks.

Junior Erin Furlong went to BGSU for a college visit. When asked how she felt about the campus she stated, “The school was beautiful… after seeing that side of the campus I mean it was very appealing.”  Furlong believes that BGSU is the best college for her.

Kelsey Smith, a senior, also did a college visit to University of Toledo: “It was interesting, there are a lot of different majors, and they have a really good engineering program.” Smith is going to the University of Wyoming and is going into a therapy major.

If you are looking at colleges you might want to do a college visit, it can definitely narrow down your decision.

Senior Kelsey Smith. Photo by: Allyson Parks

Students who shadowed at a job might have shadowed parents, neighbors, or just a job that they are looking forward to doing. This was definitely one of the better decisions. A lot of people chose this because they could go for around 2 hours and then go home. Others actually went to their jobs and worked.

Junior Harnoor Singh also shadowed a job, “I shadowed Dana Incorporations to shadow somebody on what they do on the computer

Junior Harnoor Singh. Photo by Allyson Parks.

engineering facility team.” Singh also went on to say that he plans on going into engineering and is deciding between the University of Toledo or the University of Michigan.

Whether students shadowed a job or visited a campus, it was pretty much a guaranteed great experience.

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