School Board is NOT a New Board

School Board is NOT a New Board

Emily Swick and Chelsea Fisher
eSomethin Staff

 Many students might be asking themselves “What exactly does the Perrysburg School Board do?”

According to the Perrysburg Schools website, the Board of Education serves as a legislative body to the Perrysburg school district; the board clarifies needs, adopts new policies and people to help carry out those policies, and approves actions and ways for providing funding for these policies. Susan Larimer, a member of the school board expressed, “The best thing the school board does is get the community members connected to their school. The number one thing we do is… represent the community’s voice.”

The Board of Education always makes sure to set an allotted amount of time at the beginning of their meetings to hear and meet with concerned citizens. If you are speaking as a citizen, you must sign in at a podium and announce your name and address for the public record. Ohio’s Sunshine Law mandates that all meetings of the Boards of Education must be held in a public convention. The only exception to this rule is called an executive session, where the School Board is allowed to meet privately, but not allowed to come to any decisions.

Susan Larimer, the top vote-getter of the recent election, is a returning member of the school board. She expressed immense elation about being a returning part of this board, saying “I was driving past the Junior High, and it hit me! I was responsible for all those kids… and I was just flabbergasted with a sense of ownership and responsibility of these kids and their parents…and it’s the best feeling in the world…”

Earlier misreported information on other websites stated that Kelly Ewbank, a write-in, had won the election, switching her and Larimer’s position.

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