Ashley Rohrs
eSomethin Staff

On October 8th, the annual “Apple Stir & Crafts Festival” was held at MacQueen’s Orchard in Holland, Ohio. Many people come up to see all fall-themed pieces and tasty foods brought by people from the mid-west.
If you are not familiar with this festival, there is tons of stuff to do for anyone of any age.
For kids, there are inflatable slides and rides. Personally, my favorite is the pony ride, although only young kids can ride it. I was very impressed with all the fun set-ups they had.
For adults and teenagers, they had a whole tent set up with hand-made crafts, soy candles, bath-related items, and all different kinds of jewelry. Every single thing in the tent was so crafted so nicely and carefully. The soy candles were amazing and so were the crocheted, knit, and sewn items they had out. The prices for everything were also extremely reasonable, I was super impressed.
They also had a live entertainment booth set-up with three different bands who perform at different times. Chris Brown Band performed 10:00 am-12:00 pm, Sounds of Music DJ from 12:00pm-2:00 pm, Chantel and The Thirsty Monkeys from 2:00pm-6:00 pm.

MacQueen’s also had a nice display of food. barbeque foods, MacQueen’s donuts, french fries, funnel cakes, bratwurst, kettle corn and more were served. Apple cider, of course, frozen and hot, was the most-purchased drink there. In the actual MacQueen’s store, called the Farm Market, there are also apples, more donuts, cookies and many more tasty treats. Apple butter, the main reason for the festival and the reason “Apple Stir” is in the title, was created right in front of our eyes. It was very interesting and updates are announced when different processes are happening so you can watch. Also, if you’ve never tried apple butter you can sample it and then purchase if you enjoy it.
In the actual MacQueen’s store, called the Farm Market, there are also apples, more donuts, cookies and many more tasty treats. Apple butter, the main reason for the festival and the reason “Apple Stir” is in the title, was created right in front of our eyes. It was very interesting and updates are announced when different processes are happening so you can watch. Also, if you’ve never tried apple butter you can sample it and then purchase if you enjoy it.
This was my first year going to the MacQueen’s Apple Butter Festival and I thought that is was very well-rounded and entertaining. Every person in their booths had a smile on their face treated everyone well. Also, everything for sale really spoke for themselves and the prices were really cheap! I would definitely recommend going next year if you love fall and anything related to fall.
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