Running to Fight Breast Cancer

Running to Fight Breast Cancer

Jacob Prokup
eSomethin Staff

One of the many attendees Sammy Sugg shows off all her pink in the memory of her mother and the celebration of her Grandma Photo Credit: Jacob Prokup

When you get to downtown Toledo and the streets are a sea of pink you know you have made it to the annual Race For the Cure.

The race is a yearly 5K run and walk hosted by the Susan G. Komen organization. The race is held in many different cities around the country. The Toledo race has only been around for 24 years, but the Komen organization has been a lot longer than that.

Komen is trying to help find a cure to breast cancer by donating money to research to the cure.  For more information on breast cancer, you can check the Komen website.

Sophmore Zeke Gau (Photo Credit: Jacob Prokup)

The 2017 Race For the Cure in Toledo on September 24th saw over thousands of participants, whether the person decided to walk their way to victory, or if they wanted to fight cancer by running this 5K. For those who ran the race or those curious can check the results here.

For the second year in a row, Perrysburg is the hometown of the second place winner of the race, Zeke Gau, a sophomore at Perrysburg High School.

“I like to do the race because my aunt had breast cancer and this gives me the chance to support her” Gau said.

The attracts many different people of all different ages. But when you get there everyone has their own personal reason to be in the race; runners share the common fact that they go to show support in the fight against breast cancer.

The race is a very positive and energetic place to spend the morning. Every person who is there tries to help everyone else if they can.

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The Komen organization has a special award where each year they dedicate the race in celebration of someone who beat breast cancer and in memory of someone who was lost to breast cancer. Komen makes a poster with every years in memory and in celebration of that hang along the fences of  Fifth Third Field. On each poster, it contains a short biography of the person it is honoring. Since the race has been around for 24 years a told of 48 women and one man have been honored by the Northwestern branch of Komen organization in the Toledo area.

If you want to support the cause you can donate to the Komen organization by clicking here.

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