Ecology Students Travel to Black Swamp Bird Observatory and Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge

Ecology Students Travel to Black Swamp Bird Observatory and Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge

By Chelsea Fisher
eSomethin Editor-in-Chief 

On Friday, September 8th, science teacher Brooke Schumacher took her Ecology students on a full day field trip to the Black Swamp Bird Observatory and Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge.

The Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge is right in Perrysburg’s backyard and is just over 10,000 acres of protected land. The tour guide, Justin Woldt, explained that we live in the second largest population of bald eagles, which is amazing because there was a long period of time where no one knew if we would lose our national animal forever.

Every year during Bird Week the Bird Observatory holds the largest festival where over 50 countries are represented.

The students were able to help tag and release birds at the observatory and were then taken on a tram tour around the refuge.

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