Cross Country Weekend Hero

Cross Country Weekend Hero

Allyson Parks
eSomethin Staff

This past weekend a cross country race at Tiffin Carnival went from a normal race to a heroic act for Alex Murray, a sophomore at Perrysburg High School. In our interview with Murray, he stated, “We were off, pushing ourselves to and beyond our limits, I constantly checked my watch to check my pace and I was on schedule to beat my personal record.”

After running this course multiple times, Alex knew he was approaching the end: “I started to push harder and harder, kicking in with whatever strength I had left.”

Tim Stultz captured the heroic moment.

As Murray came around the corner, he noticed a student from Anthony Wayne trying to carry a student from Medina who was laying on the ground: “People have been asking me what I thought in that moment and I haven’t had an answer. It’s because I didn’t think. I simply did what was natural. I grabbed the other arm of the runner and together, the three of us made it to the finish line.”

Paramedics were at the finish line waiting for them to cross, “The paramedics congratulated us as we stepped off to the side so they could take care of him. I intentionally stopped and cleared my watch without looking because it wasn’t important.”

The paramedics weren’t able to get to the fallen runner while he was still on the course. At the most competitive part of the race, he was trapped with the potential of being trampled by spikes.

Murray stated, “There weren’t any words exchanged afterward between the three of us. A handshake and a mutual understanding were all that we shared afterward. I can only hope that what happened can inspire others to do the right thing.”

Murray also beat his personal record of 19 minutes and 23 seconds last year at the NLL’s. His new record is 19 minutes and 19 seconds. Congrats, Alex.

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