Sophomore Travels to Carnegie Hall

Sophomore Travels to Carnegie Hall

Making Friends (picture from Elaine Park)

Chelsea Fisher
eSomethin Staff

Carnegie Hall is home to many legendary performances historically and currently, including The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, Elton John, Jay Z, and Elvis Presley’s daughter. Can you imagine preforming here?

Elaine Park, a sophomore cellist, can. In October of last year Elaine learned that the five minute audition tape she had submitted was accepted by the Honors Performance Series at Carnegie Hall.

1,800 students auditioned and nearly 750 were accepted as finalists to preform this week in New York. This is not a contest, it is simply an amazing opportunity for young musicians to preform. “I never could have imagined being surrounded by such world class musicians and play in such an amazing orchestra,” Elaine said. “The people are all so wonderful and talented, I wish this trip would never end.”


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