Welcome to Writer’s Block!

Welcome to Writer’s Block!

Tiara Ray
eSomethin Staff

Have you been looking for the right place to share your writing? A place that you won’t be judged and can always be yourself? Well then Writer’s Block is the place for you!

This club’s first meeting was Tuesday, November 29th, and they spent about 45 minutes talking about all their club had to offer, along with a creative writing activity to welcome the new members!

Junior Claire Pilcher says she loves “how Writer’s Block always offers a safe place to write about who you are and what you love, and you will never find another place like Writer’s Block!”.

After next Tuesday’s meeting, December 6th, the meetings will continue to be every other Tuesday in Mrs. Farrar’s room (244) at 3:00 pm.

This club is also super flexible with schedules and realizes that student may be busy and not able to make some meetings and that is okay! Usually, the way each meeting will play out is two people from the club will draw a prompt from the bowl of prompts and then write them on the front board. You can use these prompts if you would like, but it is not mandatory, as they are only there to give you an idea if you are stuck.

You are free to write anything from fan fiction to science fiction or even stories about yourself , and by the end of the 30 minutes they give you to write, if you feel confident enough to share, you definitely can!

From my past experience with this club, no matter what you write, this group of people will always have something nice to say and give as much positive feedback as possible. Kelsey Rathman, a sophomore who was also in Writer’s Block last year says, “we’re all a family, if you vent there, it says in there, and we all support one another”.

The club is here to inspire you to write more and help you love it even more, not criticize you!

Junior Claire Pilcher
Junior Claire Pilcher
Sophomore Kelsey Rathman
Sophomore Kelsey Rathman shares what she loves most about Writer’s Block!

This year, Writer’s Block also had a super cool add-on: Poetry Club!  This idea was brought to light by two students who are also in Writer’s Block, Kate Lake and Claire Pilcher. Although they say they love Writer’s Block and will continue to be in it, they just thought it would be a great idea to have a space just for those who love to write poetry and share it! So far, the meetings are going to be mixed in with the Writer’s Block meetings, and the two students will share information about the new club while the Writer’s Block students are writing. Pilcher and Lake say Poetry Club will be very similar to how Writer’s Block is set up, except instead of prompts written on the board, there will be different types of poems you can write each week or a subject you could write about!

Another great aspect of this club is that every meeting there will be a snack provided, just to help you get your creative juices flowing! Also, as most clubs do, there will be a president, a vice president, and 2 secretaries. These positions will be voted for at the next meeting, on the 6th, so if you plan on running, make sure to attend that meeting!

If you are planning on joining this club, a great thing to look forward to is the annual picnic they have at the end of the year. This picnic usually takes place on the last meeting of the year, and they will go to a park and do writing activities, play games, have lots of food, and just have a great time celebrating the club! They hope to see as many of you there throughout the year, and can’t wait to share how much fun writing can be!

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