Blood Drive 2016

Blood Drive 2016

Sophie Staats
eSomethin Staff

Another accomplished year of giving blood! Students of Perrysburg High School participated in helping save lives on October 14th, 2016. When at the blood drive, we managed to interview a student before she gave blood (Hannah Morris) and after she gave blood (Jenna Carella). 

Hannah Morris was just about to go donate her blood, which led us to ask her some questions before hand.

Hannah Morris (photo by Leah Cote)

Are you nervous for giving blood?

I am a little nervous because it’s my first time, but I am excited cause I know I’m going to help a lot of people.

Is there anything you have to do to prepare for this?

We were supposed to get 8 hours of sleep, and eat a healthy breakfast,

and mentally prepare I guess, to be ready for this experience.

If you could sum this whole experience in one word, what word would you use?

I think it’s very organized. We got our wrist band and just coming in at the time, we got an informative packet and now I’m just waiting.

The blood drive had the most help from our NHS students. NHS is an important part to our school. Students who are picked are seen as leaders. These leaders are seen as trustworthy and are asked to help with the blood drive.

Christina Berning (photo by Bailee Brown)
Christina Berning (photo by Bailee Brown)

Although, besides the student leaders, there also is someone who leads the blood drive. The haemonetics team supervisor goes by the name Christina Berning. She makes sure everything is going the way it should for the donor services of the American Red Cross. As you can see, Berning is very proud of everything she does and helping others.

Also involved with the blood drive is Perrysburg teacher, Mr. Thom Ziems. He is in charge of sending out information to the students about the blood drive. If you have any questions about the blood drive, he is your go-to person.

A group of NHS student volunteer at the blood drive (photo by Leah Cote)
A group of NHS student volunteer at the blood drive (photo by Leah Cote)

When you walk into the blood drive, there is a desk with some students sitting behind it. This is where you would go to check in or get set up for your donation. These students are often from NHS.

Finally, we interviewed Jenna Carella after she gave blood. Here is what she had to say:                                                                     

Jenna Carella (photo by Leah Cote)
Jenna Carella (photo by Leah Cote)

What was your experience like giving blood?

It wasn’t that bad, like I mean it didn’t really hurt.

Is this your first time giving blood?

No this is my first time.

What made you want to give blood?

I wanted to do it last year, but then I was too chickened out.

So this time I was like I’m planning to do it, I need to do it this time.

Did you do anything to prepare?

They asked me what I ate for breakfast. I had a donut and coffee.

They were like that’s not really that good.

So, I had to chug a whole water right before I did it.

Do you have a lot of friends that are giving blood

I have a lot of friends that are in NHS and they were pushing me to do it so that’s what my main cause was.


Overall, Perrysburg’s blood drive was another success. As a school, we managed to donate 55 pints of blood!

Other posts by Sophie Staats on eSomethin:

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