Chelsea Fisher
eSomethin Staff
“We on a point system. 50 points, get punished, shackled to the basement.”
This was one of the first interactions the outside world had with local 13-year-old girl, whose name has not been released, and who was found walking in northern Toledo, May 18, 2016. She had matted hair and was carrying a bag when she was discovered in the 700 block of Water St.
This story is about a girl who is the age to be going into her freshman year of high school, but is not able to due to a case of tragic abuse.

The girl told authorities she hasn’t gone to school since first grade and more shockingly that she was kept chained to a support beam in the basement. The perpetrators of this were her step-father, 53-year-old Timothy Ciboro, and her step-brother, 27-year-old Esten Ciboro. There was no light in these quarters, she was fed spoiled food scraps, and she was forced to use an ammonia-filled plastic bucket as a toilet.
According to authorities, the victim was only able to escape after finding a handcuff key while her captures were out for a jog in the park. When police arrived at the home, they found Esten and Timothy trying to flee with Timothy’s other two children. Interestingly, the other two children, a 10-year-old boy and a 9-year-old girl, showed no signs of previous abuse when being taken into protective/foster care.
Upon searching the house, the young girl’s claims seemed to be validated when police discovered a pair of large handcuffs or leg irons chained to a support beam and a bucket with ammonia. She claims she had not been sexually abused.
While insisting he has never abused any of his children, Timothy Ciboro, a former Toledo Firefighter, and his son are being charged with torture, cruelty, and child abuse and are being held on a $500,000 bond.
This case struck a familiar tone with at least one witness. Travis Bell, a neighbor of Ciboro, said that this case reminded him of Ariel Castro in 2013. Castro kidnapped three women and held them captive in his Cleveland area home for ten years. According to the Toledo Blade, Castro plead guilty to over 900 counts including rape and kidnapping. Bell described Ciboro as standoffish, that he had no idea something so horrible was happening in the house.
Esten and Timothy are being charged with kidnapping and child endangerment, they have both plead guilty. Judge Linda Jennings set the trial date for September 26th.
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