By Chelsea Fisher
eSomethin Staff
To many people in other districts, and to a lot of our own students, Perrysburg High School is seen as a football and basketball school.
It is true that we made it to the semifinals in both last year, breaking the previous school record. But those aren’t the only amazing athletic programs here at Perrysburg.
Last year, our girls varsity golf team broke the overall school record. The existing high school record for 18 holes was 321 as a combination of four scores; the girls beat it by two and shot a total of 319. Five of the six team members have either graduated or moved, leaving room open for an almost entirely new team.

The hockey team, which only consisted of eleven players in 2015, was named the division champs. They had an undefeated goalie who was only a freshman and the team made it to the NLL semifinals.
The girls lacrosse team made it into the third round of states.
Our girls soccer team were league champions from 2012-2015.
The boys tennis team has been league champion the past two years.
Most people think that the cheerleaders only ever shine on the sidelines of football and basketball games, or that the dance team only ever shows off at pep rallies, but they’d be wrong.
Our dance team placed first, second, or third in every competition they entered last year. The cheerleaders qualified for states for the fourth year in a row and placed second.
The varsity volleyball team placed second in districts and finished with a record of over .500.
The marching band was by far one of the most impressive programs here. They competed in Boston at a nationwide

competition and won two awards. A senior, Stephen Strauss, was named the best overall student there.
The gymnastics team and the wrestling team were both league championships, so were the varsity baseball and softball.
The JV softball and JV girls basketball teams went undefeated.
We are not just a football school, most of our athletic programs are incredibly successful.
Others posts by Chelsea Fisher
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