Is your holiday choice based on your family?

Is your holiday choice based on your family?

[note note_color=”#f0f0eb”]PHS math teacher Aryn Hinkle asked her statistics class to study topics of interest and make their own statistical analyses. eSomethin published 10 of the students’ articles.[/note]

Survey explores correlation between favorite holiday and number of siblings

Taylin Hunter
Special to eSomethin

Ninth in 10 installments

Do prefer to go holiday shopping, or maybe dress up and go trick or treating, or perhaps pig out on a Thanksgiving feast? TopicOfInterest_250pxEver wonder if your holiday of choice is based on your family?

Forty random, PHS students in 4th period lunch and period Four-Five Study Hall were asked this very question. A simple random sample was conducted on November 10, 2015. On the survey, students were asked how many siblings and or step siblings they had, and what was their favorite holiday, Christmas or other.

siblingsThe results revealed that there was a higher frequency of people whose favorite holiday was Christmas. However, the number of siblings they had little to no effect on their holiday preference.

Although, students who preferred Christmas only had up to 3 siblings with an exception of one student with 6 siblings, whereas students who preferred a holiday other than Christmas had up to 5 siblings. This isn’t very significant. However, one could conclude that students with a higher number of siblings prefers holidays other than Christmas.

Now, why should you care? Well, the results show us that bigger families prefer other holidays other than Christmas.

This could be beneficial for holiday store business owners. They could use this information to publicize their goods. They could advertise their holiday supplies and target these larger families in order to increase business sales.

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