When it was decided by the eSomethin.com staff that we wanted more student voices in our coverage of new school lunches we turned to Mrs. Brownfield’s English 112 class. We had a discussion about the food that was offered at Perrysburg High School for lunch and the opinions varied wildly:
“I think there are fine! Calm down and just enjoy.”
“It’s all too confusing.”
“The fries are good.”
“The pizza is greasy.”
“I want soup!”
“There aren’t many options for a hot and healthy meal.’
“I think there should be more vending machines.”
“More fruit choices please.”
“The burgers are so gross. I want burgers that aren’t frozen, and are fresh meat.”
“Basically, I just want real, fresh meat. That’s real.”
Then, we hit the hallways, and of course, the cafeteria:
Baylee Rathman, junior
“I like the variety, the bagels, and the salad. But, I miss my soup and the fries twice a week! I really want cookies back! Oh, and I really want juice boxes.”
Kassara Meek,junior
“I like the fact that we have a variety of entrees, and I like the bagels. I wish had better quality food and the shrimp was real shrimp. And Sammy Neiswander says the meat is sketchy.”
Emily Ash, freshman
“I would like to have a slice of pizza without a puddle of grease dripping off of it. And let’s be real, the chicken nuggets aren’t real. I do not like the lunches at all; they make me sad and hungry. Oh and I want good cookies. Now!”
Yaseen Cheema, freshman
“I think they (the lunches) are great! The cookies are pretty decent.”
Bryce Schwartz, senior
“I like the variety, but their reasons for getting rid of coffee and cookies I disagree with. The problem starts at home with parents. If our parents aren’t teaching us to make the right choices when it comes to what to eat then the school shouldn’t have to correct those mistakes. Amen! And Yolo!”
John Szempias, sophomore
“I like that we aren’t limited to one choice like at the Jr. High. And I like the chicken nugget Fridays.”
Rachel Warne, freshman
“They are a whole heck of a lot better than the Jr. High lunches, I’ll give them that. I like that there’s more selection, not always pizza. I like the deli line because of the wraps. Oh but where’s the soup? Soup! Where’s the real legit cookies? Cookies! They need a variety of fruits and vegetables. The fruit they have now, taste fake.”
Kayla Pietkowski, senior (with Emily Merret on her back)
“I like the brownies, but I am mad because I used to get a sub and soup every day, and now I can’t. Also, I think there should be more things like the pasta bars.”
Evan Cygnor, senior
“I like the cinnamon pastries, but I want cookies and soup!”
Stephanie Richards, senior
“I like the variety of options, I don’t like that we don’t have soup, and I want cookies!”
Shelby Vine, sophomore
“I’m neutral. I don’t like pepperoni Bosco Sticks, but it’s pretty much the same.”
Christina Schorsch, freshman
“I don’t know what they used to have, but I’m neutral. I don’t care that much. I just buy on random days, it doesn’t matter what.”
Hunter Ayres, junior
“I bought lunch daily every year of high school so far, and definitely have noticed some changes. Overall, I am fine with them because they have not taken away some of the things I regularly buy such as chicken patty sandwiches. I like that they are trying to add new things to the beehive and menu because after having the same things for a year or two it kind of gets old.”