OPINION: What I’m currently doing to keep myself afloat as a senior in the second semester

OPINION: What I’m currently doing to keep myself afloat as a senior in the second semester

Chloee Marchese
eSomethin staff

Between all of the assignments, exams, and the question of “what happens next?” The second semester of senior year is definitely the hardest test when it comes to not losing yourself in the madness in it all. No matter how dedicated you are to your schoolwork, it’s important to have a version of yourself separate from school, and to still be able to nurture that side throughout the stress of graduation creeping up in front of you. As someone who can be defined as stress incarnate, I find comfort in tons of different hobbies and activities that bring me peace in my otherwise chaotic life.

First and foremost, being involved in different in-person and online communities dedicated to different media, also known as fandoms, has always been a huge part of my life. From Taylor Swift to Pokémon, it’s the best feeling to connect with other people who are passionate about the same things as me. It’s easiest for less outgoing people like me to find these communities online, by just clicking on a hashtag of your interest and immediately being shown thousands of people talking about the same thing as you. But it’s not impossible to find people in person, too. Luckily for our school, there’s a club for nearly everything. And if you’re too introverted for that, sometimes it’s as easy as keeping an eye out for people wearing merch of and interest you have, and conversation comes easy from that.

Another thing I love to do is simply spending time with my mom. Having a friendly adult figure out of school that’s not just my parent, but a friend I know I can confide in has saved me from complete loneliness in dire times. We’re practically the same person, and it’s more fun being able to spend time with someone knowing each other so well. Shopping is my favorite thing to do with her, especially when I conveniently forget my wallet. She’s always been so supportive of every little interest I have, and it makes me feel so heard and loved. She’s definitely my closest friend.

As boring as it might sound, finding a way to be productive always makes me feel gratified after an otherwise uneventful day. I like feeling helpful around the house, and it’s easy for me to turn my brain off, put on some music, and do some dishes or pick up trash around the house. I’m the only one in my house to find enjoyment in these things, so sometimes it’s annoying cleaning up for two other people. But after a really stressful day, the longer I can shut my brain off and do easy tasks, the better. 

Lastly, getting some time at the end of the day to get comfortable and unwind before bed helps me relax and fall asleep easier. I like having a routine that reminds my brain that it’s bedtime. For me, this includes putting my outfit for the next day in my bathroom, shutting my blinds, and putting my backpack and shoes downstairs. After all that is done and I’ve herded my cat into my bed, I can finally let myself lay down for the night. Having this routine forces me to end the day with my productive foot out first, and it makes it easier starting my day in the morning. 

Being a senior, it’s hard to not let myself crash and burn throughout the second semester. It’s a breath of fresh air allowing yourself to have fun interests and hobbies outside of school, and I encourage other seniors to explore their personalities and find what makes them happy. Whenever you’re struggling, ask yourself: what am I doing to find balance between my home and school lives?

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