Celsius energy drink flows through water fountains on April 1st

Celsius energy drink flows through water fountains on April 1st

Sophia Lanno
eNothin Staff

Many students rely on Celsius energy drinks to get through the school day, limiting their water intake. In a new effort to capitalize on this truth, PHS is implementing new Celsius fountains, replacing the water fountains on April 1.

Harvard studies say caffeine can increase alertness and attention span. Therefore, Perrysburg High School is thinking that students will be more refreshed and ready to learn.

“We need high test scores. Fuel up,” said Dean of Students Janice Ray.

Junior Samy Theodeti said, “The only thing I drink is Celsius. I cannot get through a day without it, it runs through my veins. This new addition to the school is going to change my life for the better.”

Like hosting Bibibop in the cafeteria, Perrysburg High School is trying to buy students’ love with Celsius fountains. PHS will sell water bottles for any student in desperate need of water, but our school is hoping to minimize water intake by replacing H2O with the Celsius energizing alternative.

Kerrigan Lockhart says she is, “crossing her fingers in hopes that the Cosmic Vibe flavor
makes an appearance.”

Overall, students are excited for this new addition to the school.

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