Ainsley Sutter
Following a two-year hiatus, Perrysburg High School (PHS) is welcoming its students back with a longed-for homecoming dance. But PHS Student Council (the planners) are mixing up more than the playlists.
This year’s homecoming dance will feature an expanded court to a new “Rose Arch” style. The idea was put forward by the student council. The theory was that if there was ever a time to change and try something new it’s this year.
The traditional homecoming court previously was two attendants from each underclassman grade, and seniors having eight attendants – two of which would be crowned king and queen.
But with change usually comes confusion, so here is how the Rose Arch will work:
The Rose Arch will start with eight students per grade, nominated by their teachers for being upstanding students.

From those students, each and every grade (including seniors) will have the chance to vote for their top four to represent their class in the Rose Arch.

However, the senior court will keep its traditional model – four senior couples, first nominated by the seniors, then voted on by the whole school. Then the two students with the most amount of votes will be crowned as the 2021 homecoming king and queen.

The 16 student Rose Arch will be presented at the homecoming football game, before kickoff so these students will be honored in the same way as previous years’ courts.

Then following the presentation of the Rose Arch, the senior homecoming court will be presented, and the king and queen will be announced.

Alongside the changes to the court, there is one more minor change coming to homecoming this year. In years prior physical tickets were sold during lunches, and then taken at the door. This year all tickets will be sold online, like at football games, and then scanned in at the door. The price will remain the same – $10.

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