Ainsley Sutter
eSomethin Staff
Perrysburg High School students whose phone service is through Verizon Wireless have been complaining about the lack of service in the building. The issue started earlier this week when Verizon phones lost LTE services, and were down to 3G, 1X, or no service at all.
Of course the problem is beyond the halls of PHS and throughout the country.

(Image from
Notably, the widespread issue is only a concern to a small portion of the Toledo region, most specifically just a minor portion of Perrysburg.

(Image from
Verizon recently released new 5G service in large cities such as Boston, Huston, and Sioux Falls. There is no evidence for or against this being the direct correlation to the lack of service for users.
eSomethin has not yet seen comment from Verizon on the matter.
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