Wrestling Wins NLL Champs

Wrestling Wins NLL Champs

Andrew Wendler
eSomethin Staff

Saturday, February 16, at the Northern Lakes League Wrestling Championships, held at Maumee High School, the Wrestling team reclaimed the NLL championship title after last year’s hiatus.

After a grueling season, the wrestling team has brought back the NLL championship to Perrysburg.

The team held the title for the past seven years prior to last year’s defeat against Napoleon.

Freshman wrestler Allenson Denkins said, “For me as a freshman, it’s a big deal because I could win the championship for the next three years, and not many do that.”

To win the Northern Lakes League Championship, wrestlers need, “Mental toughness, can’t be a spaz, you have to have strength, control,” says Denkins.

As for next season, Denkins is optimistic: “I expect [us] to win next season because of the new wrestlers coming up [to varsity] and the wrestlers we have getting better.”

All-in-all, the wrestling team showed they can get back up after being pinned down.

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